Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is There Another Change Coming To The Game That We Love?

The Extra Point has been around since the inception of football. While the point value changed from its early rugby style rules it is still part of the game. But now Goodell is considering ridding the league of this staple.

In 1912 when the American Professional Football Association was started, which preceded the NFL, the league made it a standard one point after a touchdown was scored. This has remained for the 100+ years that football has been alive and well.

Roger Goodell talked to Rich Eisen of the NFL Network and said that the NFL's competition committee will look into abolishing the extra point. In 2013 only 5 extra points were missed in over 1,200 attempts. Since 2004 extra points have had a 99.1% success rate.

The goal of the NFL is to make every play exciting and currently the making of an extra point is a given. After a touchdown is scored every fan knows now is the time to turn the channel and check on the other games.

Until there is a better option this rule is likely not going to be changed this year or any years in there relative future. There was an option Goodell had brough up about teams getting an automatic 7 points unless they decided they wanted to try for an 8th point and if they fail they go back to 6 points. But that isn't really any different than we have now.

If the League wants to make a change than they should make it a 1 point play if the team is set on the 5 yard line and a 2 point play if the team is set on the 10 yard line. It'll make the extra point more exciting and more teams will have a tougher time deciding which they would prefer to go for.

No matter what they decide it will take a lot of agreement on something so drastic for anything to change. It took them a short time to come up with the new rules on protection and we see the strong complaint that has brought on. Hopefully the competition committee will take a bit longer to come up with something the majority of the league and its fans will enjoy.

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